
10 little bunnies standin' in a line... (fucking bunnies)

Ten little rabbits standin' in a line,
One toddled home and then there were nine;
Nine little rabbits swingin' on a gate,
One tumbled off and then there were eight.
One little, two little, three little, four little, five little Injun boys,
Six little, seven little, eight little, nine little, ten little Injun boys.
Eight little rabbits gayest under heav'n.
One went to sleep and then there were seven;
Seven little rabbits cuttin' up their tricks,
One broke his neck and then there were six.
Six little rabbits all alive,
One kicked the bucket and then there were five;
Five little rabbits on a cellar door,
One tumbled in and then there were four.
Four little rabbits up on a spree,
One got fuddled and then there were three;
Three little rabbits out on a canoe,
One tumbled overboard and then there were two.
Two little rabbits foolin' with a gun,
One shot t'other and then there was one;
One little Injun livin' all alone,
He got married and then there were none.

Hold for 6.5 days... Failed on Thursday afternoon... Fucking easter bunnies. Didn't even taste good... When one eates them so fast, they are not even comparable to 5 g of chocolate one eats slow, they don't have time to melt on the tong... which is THE delicious thing about chocolate... Anyway I eat 1/2 kg of easter fucking bunnies, half white, half brown, I failed because I really wanted to eat some white
chocolate and couldn't resist, but I liked more the taste of the brown ones! And well as I failed anyway, I had a pot of marmalade and a big dish of pasta. I actually wrote this on Saturday evening, but I had no Internet connection to post it. I wrote it because I needed to keep doing something so I do not go and eat, (I managed to hold Friday and Saturday eating healthy) it was already 9 pm and I was laying in bed and dying to fall asleep. Then I stood up and went to eat, eat, eat, eat, eat...

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