
Hope dies last...

Manage to hold 4 days long just to relapse again on Friday morning.. Big fight with my husband, so I said f**k everything and eat my rage until I almost exploded. The good news was, my stomach got reduced to half it's size... The bad part of it is, I was so full I thought I will die... The good one, well I hope it helps me going on, maybe soon I won't be feeling hungry all day long. I again count day 3, last time I eat and vomit was on Friday morning... So here I am.. Hoping again, to survive day 1, and day 2, and day 3, and thinking that I will never make it on day 1, day 2, day 3... The one thing that keeps me going is this feeling I had Thursday night, this feeling I did not have for months anymore, this little great feeling, when you can just watch at the stars and enjoy their light, the feeling that you can let a piece of chocolate melt in your mouth for 2 min and enjoy it far more than by eating 200g of it, the feeling that life can be beautiful again, right here, right now, just like that. And if I take some (few ;-)) weight, then be it... I love my life. I won't give up (so easily)!

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