
Heavenly fish with mango paprika salad, guacamole and spicy beans...

Made my day... (recipe invented on a rainy afternoon)

You will need for 2 people

2 red paprika
1 mango
2 branches of coriander
1 garlic tooth
1 onion
1 green young onion
1 coffee spoon Paprika
2 coffee spoons Cumin
300 g fish
1 lemon
1 lime
1 avocado
1 tomato
500g green beans
2 table spoons fish sauce
3 table spoons soya sauce
1 little chili
A finger of fresh ginger

Mix red paprika, garlic and one chopped onion, rub the fish with the mixture. Cook fish for 15 min in oven (or until cooked).

Cut mango and red paprika in squares. Chop coriander, add juice of 1/2 lemon, some sweetener (or sugar), fish sauce (from chinese store). Mix with the mango and paprika.

Cut 1 tomato and the green of an onion in squares. Smash 1 avocado. Mix tomato, onion, avocado with the juice of 1/2 lime and freshly ground cumin. Add some salt.

Cook the green beans until they are soft but still crunchy. Blend a finger big piece of ginger with 1/2 chili, 1/2 green onion and the soya sauce. Add to the beans.


Everything fat free (sorry I do not manage to eat fat yet). You can also add a good olive oil to the fish and mango salad and some sesame oil to the beans.

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